
Nine - Friday Morning Bloggin'!

I had this really sweet image to go right here, but since Blogger is being a little jerk you'll have to come back and see it later. I'm on a time crunch here, but I want to blog here before I get to everything else I have to do today.

Let me tell you about how I hailed my first cab last night.

Last night I had the fortunate opportunity to attend City Paper's Cosmic cocktail party, celebrating their Eat issue. Katherine was a contributing writer to the issue, and so she got two tickets to attend this uber fancy shindig. We decided to take a cab into the city, because we both wanted to be adults and drink. Around 8 we called Jimmy's, they picked us up, and took us to The Belvedere down in the city. When we arrived we had to cram in an elevator and make our way to the 12th floor. I felt pretty Grown Up about this, because I'd never been to The Belvedere, and never been to such an exclusive party. Well, what we thought was exclusive.

We got upstairs and the entire place was just crammed with people. Now, this party was open bar, so basically you get in and get a bunch of free food and free booze and Other Free Stuff (that I didn't really partake in.) So it was a mob scene. But we had the guy at the door check our IDs, got really pretty green sparkly wrist bands, and pressed on. It was horrendous trying to walk through the place. And the lines for the bar were ridiculous. But we committed to trying to have a good time, and so stood in line. And waited and waited and waited some more. While standing in line we (or, Katherine anyway) encountered and made conversation with BOMBARDMENT! and I stood awkwardly and gawked at her shoes.

Once we finally got to the bar, this little snot of a woman decided that she was just going to butt herself right on in and order before us. I was NOT about to have this, and made my feelings known. I kept saying how I thought it was rude that people would totally disregard the others that have been waiting patiently for their turn, and how I wanted to punch her for being so rude (you know I wouldn't really, but I wanted to!) But eventually I let it go, and she got her drinks. I ordered a mojito (because I like the word) and Katherine ordered a fuzzy pear. Her drink was a LOT better than mine. We tried mingling with the people there, but it was absolutely packed. We walked back and forth between rooms for a while and tried having fun.

Once while walking between rooms we were stopped in the foyer by a mob of people. There was a man in a suit and a funny hat perusing some of the brochures on the table, and as his arm was blocking my way through I waited patiently for him to be finished. He realized I was there, and looked over at me (putting his face ridiculously close to mine.)

Guy: "Hi."

Me: "Hello"

Guy: (looking really really closely at my face; sidenote, I think he was sort of drunk) "You are really beautiful."

Me: "Uh...thanks! Excuse me!"

Guy: "Go ahead" (waves us through)

Katherine and I walked away, and upon recounting the story for her at our next location, she agreed that it was totally creepy of him. We waited in line again for another drink, as Katherine had finished hers (and the part of mine I didn't want - it wasn't very good), but while waiting I started feeling very dizzy and lightheaded and like I was going to faint. I think it was probably a mix of the sheer amount of people that were in that room, and the fact that it was probably about 80ยบ. I walked away to get out of the crowd, and eventually Katherine followed me and we went back downstairs to get some air.

I'm going to copy/paste this part from Katherine's blog, because she tells it a lot better than I do.

The booze line wasn't moving and the air wasn't circulating, and I wanted to inhale secondhand smoke, so out we went! Outside revelers were smoking. These revelers included two guys about our age. It went like this, loosely abridged:

Guy 1: Hey Ladies! What are you celebrating?

W: [looks at him, up at me]

Me: Uh...what do you think we're celebrating? (I am genuinely curious. There's a bar upstairs. But I don't want to tell him personal info since I know we don't work together and I'm kind of uncomfortable.)

Guy 1 and 2 Say something I Don't Hear
[Uncomfortably silence as they chatter about Us.]

Me: So what are you celebrating?

Guy 1: [pause] Wednesday! I'm celebrating Wednesday!

Me: ...You're celebrating yesterday? (Leaving room for him to announce he got a raise, won the lottery, had a good day, etc.)

Guy 2: It's Thursday.

Guy 1: Well I didn't go to bed last night! So it's still Wednesday.

Me: Huh. Well, physics is awesome!

At which point a guy in my periph laughs and throw out his cigarette. I jump a little because I didn't know he was there. He looks at the guys as they go in. "Sorry," he says. "That was good." He laughs again, shaking his head. "Physics! That was really good."

No prob, dude.
Totally funnier if you were there.

It was pretty funny. I wanted to think of something epic to say, but my brain was fuzzy and I wasn't feeling well, so I couldn't come up with any responses. We attempted to go back up into the party, but failed, and so we decided to head back to the apartment.


Katherine called Jimmy's again to get us a cab home. HALF AN HOUR LATER it still hadn't come, and the nice valet boy told us that if we were waiting for a cab it would be better to hail one from the corner. So we changed location, and I GOT TO HAIL A TAXI! It sounds totally uninteresting and you're probably thinking, that is not a big deal at all, but I finally felt like a grown up. And like a real college student. Because, you know, I hate house parties and crowded bars and that's just NOT that college students are like.

Katherine and I got home and ate chinese food at 11:00 at night. THAT is more my idea of an epically awesome evening.

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