
Eleven - Two in one day?! Maybe three!

Writing About Art is an especially excruciating class for me, mentally and physically. Sometimes the people in my class are so blatantly stupid and close-minded about art and theory and rationality that it makes me physically sick. The professor, however, is amazing, and the subject matter even more so. Everyday I leave with another subject on my mind, another thing to mull over and discuss with my roommate later because OH MY GOD WE TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Today we began on the topic of Artist Statements. Being in graphic design, a lot of what I do is based on client needs and wants, and not necessarily my own vision. At first I think "I don't have an artist statement, I only produce what other people want from me", but upon considering further in class, I came to this...epiphany of sorts. I don't have to just produce what other people want, like a machine just churning out work. I can give them what they want while still putting my own ideas and design principles into it. I can give them what they want without compromising my own ideas, likes, and dislikes.

Don't get me wrong, this is something I've sortofknown all along. But today it just HIT me. I'm currently reconsidering everything in my portfolio, and everything I've created up to now. I see things in everything I want to change. Senior Seminar is FINALLY just now making more sense to me than ever. I finally know what I want to do. I know what I want to see in my own work. I know what I want other people to get from me.

I really want to be a freelance designer. I want people to come to me, say "Hey I need ______ for _______ " and give me artistic license to do whatever I want. That would be the ultimate, as I would be able to show this vision of what I see in everything I do. Until then, though, I have to pay the bills. And do that through picky, anal-retentive clients. But that doesn't mean I should give up everything I believe in design.


I've decided that, besides the minutia and details of my everyday, silly life, I'm going to use this blog to track the evolution of my work. To see where I started, what I've changed, and where it's ended up. Or where it still needs to be changed. I'm showcasing, and gonna Toot my own horn every now and then. I think this is going to be great.

1 comment:

Katherine said...