
Eight - This is TOTALLY worth sharing.

Today I went on a few adventures with my roommate, shopping around for appropriate and ohsocute graduation outfits. Of course nothing we found we liked, so we ended up back at the Pad, sans new clothes, but with slurpees in hand.

When we arrived back, I noticed the boy who parks his white Jeep next to us was sitting in his car. He was trying to start it, but the poor thing just sputtered and coughed, not turning over in the slightest. I felt bad, and thought about offering him a jump, but he looked intent, so I didn't and went inside.

A few minutes later I was headed out to the bank, and though he wasn't there at first, he came back out right around the time I was pulling out of my space. I decided that if he was there when I got back I'd see what I could do to help him. I got back from the bank, and he was still there.

Our conversation was something like:

Me: "Hey, excuse me! Do you need a jump?"

Guy: (looks dumbfounded) "....what?"

Me: "Do you need a jump? It sounds like your car won't start.

Guy: "Oh. No. It has nothing to do with the battery. I put ethanol in the car, and I'm pretty sure it clogged up the carburetor."

Me: (really really confused) "Uh. Okay."

Guy: "Yeah. Do you put ethanol in your car?"

Me: "Um. No."

Guy: "Oh, alright. Well, thanks for the offer anyway! That was nice of you."

Me: "Yeah. Good luck."

And I proceeded to walk away, trying as hard as I could not to laugh at him. Last time I checked you couldn't put ethanol into just any car. I'm pretty sure you need to convert your car to actually run on ethanol before you try anything like that. I really don't know what pressed him to do that, but I don't think I want to. I've learned sometimes it's better to just not ask questions.

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