
Six - Apartment Wars!

The past couple of days I have been engrossed in an epic battle of wills with our Downstairs Neighbors. There are two girls that live downstairs from us; they drive BMWs, paint their rooms neon green and girly pink, and SLAM THEIR DOOR every single time they enter or leave their apartment. Not just a casual loud door closing, but a earth-shaking, foundation-blasting SLAM.

After a few weeks of being rudely awakened by their 2 am returns to their apartment I've decided to take my revenge. Not in any dangerous or malicious way, no. But Thursday when I got home from work, I slammed the door on my way inside. I heard their door slam about half an hour later, and ran outside to see if they were going in or out. I suppose they had just gotten home because their car was in the carport, and so I slammed the door again on my way inside. A bit later I heard their door slam again and thought, oh man I bet they're leaving! So I ran outside to see if I could catch them leaving to tell them to KNOCK IT OFF. I got outside and saw them, so I yelled down at them that I would appreciate it if they would stop slamming their door all the time, and how it is completely unnecessary to slam the door so hard, considering you have to physically lock it with a key from the outside. The girls couldn't figure out where I was yelling from at first, but finally figured out that I was above them. They just giggled and rolled their eyes, continuing to walk to their car. I yelled once more that they really need to stop because 1) it's totally obnoxious, and 2) it shakes my apartment. I slammed my door on the way back in.

Their flippant response of eye-rolling and giggling made me feel even more perturbed. Really, they could have at least heard me out. But instead they shrugged it off as though maybe I'm just crazy. Okay, I'll admit, I'm easily irritated at things that shouldn't bother me as much as they do, but this just crosses the line from mildly-irritating-but-understandable to total and complete disregard for everyone else.

Since Thursday night's debacle I have been slamming my door every time I leave, except for when I leave when Katherine is still asleep (because unlike Downstairs, I have respect for other people.) Sometimes I get up and randomly slam the door just to make them mad. I'll open the door, yell something crazy (like READ THE BOX DAMMIT), and slam the door again. Sometimes twice. Katherine's joined me in this, and so far we've slammed the door approximately sixty bajillion times. The next time I see them I'm going to tell them that I really appreciate them letting me know when they leave their door unlocked so I could possibly go inside and take things from them. Not that I would, but the slamming makes me think that they don't take the time to actually lock after themselves and their apartment remains open for the time they're away.

Man, I love the Colony.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

heck, even if it's locked, they've let everyone know they're gone. someone'll just break in.